Registration: At the Intersection of Guns and Mental Health: The Introductory Course - Webinar

Now approved for 3 POST CEUs
This course is the first of three parts. If taken in succession, completion will result in achievement of full WTTA certification in firearms and mental health culture. The introduction course is designed to cover the principles of firearms, firearms culture, and suicide prevention and intervention as they relate to firearms.
At the end of this course, attendees will:
- Increase understanding of suicide by firearm and its disproportionate presence in American culture, particularly as it relates to overall firearm deaths
- Improve their understanding of the stigma related to mental health care among gun owners including veterans and first responders;
- Learn how to validate emotional experiences of gun owners;
- Increase their empathy and understanding related to gun culture;
- Improve their understanding of firearms broadly, including types, classes, and uses;
- Gain new information on expected standards and need for clinical contributions to the field;
- Understand “red flag laws” and transfer laws, along with clinician responsibility and ethical scope in Nevada
The intermediate course will cover principles of suicide postvention, law enforcement, military, first responders, and other professions whose cultures of stigma often inhibit care access. The advanced course covers basic firearms training and use, including live fire, along with a comprehensive understanding of the broad-based literature on firearms, plus mental health policy and advocacy